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Reflections of 2022.....

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

One of my favorite things to do at the end of a year is to "walk myself" back through the months of the past year to remember what I experienced and possibly how those experiences have impacted me at this moment. I find that when we are flowing through our daily life things happen so fast that we really can't appreciate the effect our experiences and choices have on our current life situation. Some things I did were planned, clear choices and thought out and others things just happened to me based on others actions or God's divine timing. In any event, it was my reality and another year of my life is on record for me in my personal history. What about YOU?

This is a great exercise for anyone who enjoys taking time to grow with life and be excited about what their future holds. I am that person....not a fan of hanging out in the past...just a nice glance in the rearview mirror to be reminded of some lessons, and some people who crossed my path and strive for personal growth in the coming year. No judgment....or crappy self-talk....just acceptance and a big thank you to God for who he has sent to me on my humble path.

My year always starts with a plan for teaching people Reiki...after all, it is part of my designated "God Job" (lucky me!) and this year I had the pleasure to meet so many wonderful new people through Reiki. My daily mantra: "GOD please send me who you want me to serve." I was blessed to teach 38 new students and 8 healers completed their Master Teacher Training. Yeah! If your feeling "tapped" and ready to learn in 2023 just click here.

In January 2022, I sold my home of 27 years.....the home was my sanctuary. From the outside looking in it was old and needed a lot of work and pretty much from day 1 my family told me repeatedly to get rid of it. But on the inside, there was love, there were sad and happy memories, and there were miraculous experiences like literally seeing angels, and the appearance of the Virgin Mary with a message to "Believe" during my hardest hours. My Reiki practice actually started in my person at a time. As I sorted through my "things" I accumulated in 27 years I realized I didn't want to take much with me. I shed most material items. We really don't need much to live My memories are safely tucked away in my heart. I listened to my instincts and went by God's plan not others...I am thankful for that little home! Another chapter has begun!

My 3rd reflection was last February, I was excited to witness my older sister getting married on the beach in Florida. I just love weddings and had never experienced a beach that was fun! In September, my dear Jeffrey got down on a knee and proposed to me on top of Gore mountain. Note to self:...never lose faith in your personal fairy tale! Interestingly, God placed a "lone hiker man" at the spot Jeff picked to propose...and captured the moment on cool is that!

My 4th reflection is conquering fear and stepping into the bigger arena. This past fall with the encouragement, constant enthusiasm, and support of Pascal from Wonder Elemental, I conquered a big fear and launched my new website, and ramped up the virtual side of my offerings. I had my old website for almost 20 years and it was successful but very outdated. Now I can mentor so much more and share "heart-based living" & Reiki on a bigger platform and I can reach more souls! Do you have a fear you need to conquer in 2023? My tip....focus on what will go right, not what can go wrong. Faith over Fear.

My 5th reflection is that this past year I am still healing from back surgery. All the years of leaning over my Reiki table had finally caught up to me. I am now keenly aware of how important it is to take care of my body, know my limits, and most importantly how to keep it strong! (Thank you Kim Mariotti for helping in the process!) On a fun note...every summer I get to enjoy a concert at SPAC with my son Vince... this year we saw a country singer named Morgan Wallen.....what I learned? I am too old to sit on the lawn (lol!) YET, I sooo appreciate and love the youth of this world! I am a big supporter of mentoring and supporting them! Give them your time and share your wisdom.

Last but not least, my favorite times as I reflect are with my clients & family, my yearly "girls' weekend", weekly "pop-in" visits from Vince, making dinners at home, tending to the flowers, herbs, and garden, and spending time at Christmas on my sister's Christmas tree farm. So how about you? What do you remember of 2022? How did it shape you into the moment you're in today? How will it positively bring you forward into 2023? Share with me and comment below!

Wishing you a healthy, engaging & magical New Year that flows with ease!

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